Cannoli Martini Dessert

Total Time: 40 MIN Makes: Yield5-6 servings
Prep Time: 20 MIN Cook Time: 15 MIN

Make it Fabulous with Phyllo Recipe Contest Finalist

  • 2 cups whole milk ricotta cheese
  • 1 tablespoon light cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup confectioners sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 1/2 bars 3.5 oz. Lindt Intense Orange dark chocolate
  • 10 sheets Athens® Phyllo Dough (9″ x 14″), thawed
  • 1 stick margarine
  • 1 ounce Vino Cotto di Montillo (optional)


In a large bowl, thoroughly mix the ricotta cheese, light cream, vanilla and confectioners sugar. Cover the ricotta mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.
On a small plate, grate 4 to 5 chocolate squares.
In a small saucepan, melt the margarine over low heat. Place the phyllo dough on a dry work surface. Place the first phyllo sheet onto the work surface. Brush melted butter evenly over the entire surface. Brushing from the edges to the center to prevent cracking. Repeat stacking and brushing until you have ten sheets of phyllo.
With a sharp knife cut the buttered phyllo dough stack into four rectangles. Transfer the phyllo to an ungreased cookie sheet and bake in a preheated 3751/4F oven. Every 10-15 minutes remove the cookie sheet from the oven. Using a spatula, flip each stack of phyllo to evenly cook the dough. It’s alright if pieces crumble during this step. Repeat this step until the phyllo dough becomes deep, golden brown and crispy. Some phyllo pieces will become crispier sooner than others. Remove these so they won’t burn, place them into a bowl and set aside.
If the center of each stack of phyllo isn’t browning up, split each stack in half using a fork or butter knife. Lay the uncooked side facing upward on top of the other sections and place it back in the oven to brown. Keeping each stack of phyllo in tact is not necessary. The goal is to brown it up.
When the phyllo dough appears light, crispy and dark golden brown all over, remove the cookie sheet from the oven and allow the phyllo to completely cool at room temperature. Important: Do not refrigerate baked phyllo, as it will soften. Place all cooled phyllo into a large freezer bag. Using a rolling pin, crumble the phyllo into small pieces. If there are any pieces of phyllo that aren’t brittle enough to crumble, remove them.
Serve in a 6-ounce martini glass. Fill the bottom half of the glasses with crumbled phyllo pieces. (If using Vino Cotto, drizzle about 1 teaspoon over the phyllo pieces.) Next, sprinkle a thin layer of grated chocolate over the phyllo pieces. Spoon the chilled ricotta mixture over the grated chocolate leaving about a 1/2-inch space from the top of each martini glass. Sprinkle another thin layer of grated chocolate over the ricotta mixture. To garnish, insert one chocolate bar square at an angle into the ricotta mixture. Serve immediately.


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