Crab Salad Tartlets

Total Time: 15 MIN Makes: 15 appetizers
Prep Time: 15 MIN Cook Time: 0 MIN

A breeze to prepare, these versatile Mini Phyllo Shell appetizers feature a creamy crab salad, but lobster, tuna or chicken can be easily substituted.

  • 1 package (15 count) Athens® Mini Phyllo Shells
  • 1 can (6-ounce) crab meat, drained
  • 1/3 cup corn, thawed
  • 2 teaspoons jalapeno, diced
  • 1/4 cup chip dip
  • 1/8 teaspoon seasoned salt


Place the shells on a serving dish. In a small bowl, mix the remaining ingredients and evenly distribute the crab mixture among the shells Tip: Substitute lobster, tuna or chicken for crab meat.


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