Mini Caramel Apples in a Chocolate Pistachio Shell

Total Time: 45 MIN Makes: 15 desserts
Prep Time: 30 MIN Cook Time: 0 MIN

Make it Fabulous with Phyllo Recipe Contest Finalist

  • 2 teaspoons cardamom, ground
  • 1 cup pistachios, ground
  • 30 tiny crab apples, washed and dried (can substitute lady apples)
  • 30 candy apple sticks
  • Parchment paper
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 2 packages (30 count) Athens® Mini Phyllo Shells
  • 2 cups caramel, melted


Combine cardamom with ground pistachios on small plate.
Insert a stick half way into each apple.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on top of a cookie sheet.
In a small double boiler over low heat, gently stir chocolate chips until melted.
Dip Athens Mini Phyllo Shells into melted chocolate almost covering the outside of the shell. Then dip the bottom half into the nut mixture. Place the dipped shells on the parchment paper.
Dip apples into melted caramel (let excess caramel drip off) then drizzle melted chocolate over caramel and sprinkle a few nuts over the chocolate for a layered look.
Carefully place each caramel apple into a Mini Phyllo Shell. Refrigerate for 15 minutes or till hardened.


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