Salmon Phyllo Rolls

Total Time: 55 MIN Makes: 4 rolls
Prep Time: 25 MIN Cook Time: 30 MIN

Courtesy of Chef Dino Lubbat, Dinotto Ristorante, Chicago

  • 4, 4-ounce salmon filets†
  • Salt and pepper to taste†
  • 1 tablespoon shallots, minced†
  • 3 tablespoons†fresh dill, coarsely chopped†
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, coarsely chopped†
  • 20 sheets Athens® Phyllo Dough (9″ x 14″), thawed†
  • Cooking Spray


Rub both sides of the salmon with the fresh lemon.
On a cutting board, layer 5 sheets of Phyllo, lightly spraying each sheet with cooking spray.
Place the salmon at one end of the layered Phyllo dough, leaving 1” from the end and 1” from each side.
Season salmon with salt and pepper and sprinkle parsley, dill and shallots. Roll salmon over, and repeat seasoning on the other side.
Fold Phyllo up over the salmon to form a roll. Pinch the sides to enclose the salmon.
Spray outside of roll with cooking spray and place seam side down on ungreased cookie sheet. Repeat with the three remaining salmon fillets.
Bake in preheated 350°F oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.

•Use chicken breast or other seafood filling, if desired.
•Serve with fresh vegetables or salad


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